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Ch. 17 Question 2 Response

2013/04/16 8:08 AM

Everyday there are arguments and debates going on over the pro-life and pro-choice issue. If we do not put an end to this debate and pass a law very soon ending the option for abortion, more than 1000 unborn babies will be killed against, and we, as a population, will have to live with that burden on our shoulders forever.  We will have to live knowing that every month thousands more innocent babies were killed from abortion. The choice is simple in this matter, people can both jump on the bandwagon and join the millions of other pro-lifers in the fight against abortion, or they can choose to be one of the thousands that support murder of babies.

Something that I still cannot seem to grasp in this whole argument is how some believe that there really is a choice. In all reality, murder is never okay, so it should be a simple decision. It really should not even be a choice, pro-life is the only way to go. Pro-choice supporters tend to get very angered in this matter because their argument is that in the early stages of pregnancy the baby is not yet alive. Ronald Reagan once said, “Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (Pro-Life Quotes). I once knew a friend of mine that had gotten pregnant at an early age and she decided to ultimately have an abortion and too this she has never been the same. This is just another reason, abortion should not be allowed because it put too much stress and tension on all families and individuals who have to go through them. It changes who they are as a person for sure.

Abortion is never the way to go. Let the baby live, and if that person cannot provide it a good life to grow up in, then there is always the option to put the child up for adoption. There are always better and much more safe options out there today.


Works Cited

“Pro-life Quotes by Famous People.” Pro-life Quotes by Famous People. Creighton Web Services, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.


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