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“What Writing Is” Response

2013/02/16 8:15 PM

After reading the excerpt from On-Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King, it was piece of writing that I found very interesting. I think that Stephen King makes some very good points when he starts talking about how everyone should approach the act of writing and what the power of writing entails. Something that I never thought about when it comes to writing was that I, along with everyone else, has the power of telepathy or to connect minds with others. Because of the points presented in this excerpt, I believe now that writing and telepathy are basically the same thing. They are the same because when people get lost in a state of mind when they are engrossed in a book, they are actually connecting minds with the author. Through the writing in the book, the author is able to bring the reader into the same thought process as they once had when he or she put the writing on the blank page. When I think of it like that, it makes perfect sense to me just how telepathy and writing are equal.

Once Stephen King makes the case of how he can send telepathic messages to his readers through his writing, he tells us, “…you cannot come lightly to the blank page” (King, 106). When he makes this statement, he is telling us to approach the page in any other way than that, and just put all thoughts on the paper. Basically, if we come to a blank page like he says whatever thought we put on paper we have the power later to bring our readers to the same thoughts that we are thinking when we write the words on the paper. Next time anybody picks up a book to read, I hope they think about how he or she is connecting with the author’s mind just as was intended when the words were written in the book.

Works Cited

King, Stephen. On-Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. New York: Pocket Books, 2000. Print.

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