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Apple Ads-Rhetorical Analyses Compare/Contrast Response

2013/01/28 10:08 PM

After examining the interesting Apple ads and reading the rhetorical analyses on each of them, there were definitely some similarities and differences in the ways each of them analyzed the ads. One thing that each of the analyses had in common was that they each discussed in extreme detail the effectiveness of ads and the techniques Apple used to get their message across. In the analysis of the “1984” ad, it was extremely evident that the author focused on analyzing the meanings and associations behind minor aspect of the ad. She comments on the meanings behind the voice over, the girl with the sledge hammer, the background music, the voice on the screen, the army of Storm troopers, and the setting. Using her analysis, we understand how all of these minor techniques collectively work together to get Apple’s message across.

In the student essay, the author takes a similar, yet slightly different approach as the previous analysis. She analyzes all of the minor aspects in the commercial as well, but focuses on how they are used in brand advertising to depict an image that the audience can associate with a company and its product. In the final analysis of the “Mac vs. PC” ads, the author takes on more of an emotional response to them and grades the ads on its effectiveness. He reflects on how he doesn’t think they persuade him, someone who caught in the middle of the target audience of these ads, to buy their product. His strategies undermine Apple’s techniques to use the “cool kid vs. nerd” argument and the messages the cast members they chose are sending. These analyses take on similar views, but spin them in their own unique way to make us see the meanings that go beyond what is seen on screen.


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